Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Price of Genetic Modified Organisms 

GMO or genetic modified organisms are genetically modified organisms that have had new genes from other organisms added to their existing genes. Since year 1935, Russian scientist Andrei Nikolaevitch Belozersky isolates pure DNA. Until it was approved in the year 1982 in which products that are successfully genetically modified were able to appear in various groceries. However, until now scientists are still on experimenting this kind of research that in the present time they were able to maximize its contributions and counteracts in to the state of future causes and effects to the environment and to people by means of genetically modifying organisms.
People probably unaware that the food has been genetically altered because no requirement exists that requires food to be labeled as genetically modified. Eating genetically modified foods may have negative effects on your overall health and on the environment. One of this is Environmental ramifications, it may also can affect the lives of different insects that are depending their food into crops and other types of plants; and critics claim that GMOs can cause particular disease or illnesses.
                On the other side, majority pose some advantages and good effects of genetically modifying organisms. Some may agree that GMO or genetically modifying organisms can somehow contribute to the environment by the significance of the increased farm yields while decreasing pesticide use and soil erosion. The idea is that because GM crops are engineered to produce insecticides in their tissues or to be immune to particular herbicides, they reduce the man-hours, fuel, and chemical inputs in farming, even while reducing losses to pests and weather. Another is that majority also added that GMO is not actually can harm the health of people in fact it is safe to eat.
For environmental ramifications, genetically modified foods may have negative side effects on the environment. Genetically modified crops are often sprayed with powerful pesticides and herbicides, and are fertilized with chemical fertilizers. These chemicals then contaminate the environment by traveling through the air; they leach into the ground, where they end up in fresh-water sources. Weeds have begun to develop a resistance to some of these chemicals which means that in the future, it will be more difficult to control noxious plants. Wind also carries the pollen from genetically engineered crops to neighboring farm fields where seed stock is then cross-contaminated with genetically modified pollen. Over time, this leads to a reduction in the biodiversity of crop strains. Insect populations may also be harmed by genetically modified crops that produce pesticides.
Majority may say that GMO safely can be eaten. According to Duvauchelle (2014) but the fact that some GMO foods have had antibiotic features built into them to make them immune or resistant to diseases or viruses, according to Iowa State University. When you eat them, these antibiotic markers persist in your body and can make actual antibiotic medications less effective. The university warns that such ingestion of GMO foods and regular exposure to antibiotics may be contributing to the decreased effectiveness of antibiotic drugs that is being noticed in hospitals around the world. In addition, genetically modified foods may also reach the stage of having a allergies. According to Colbert (2016), Food allergies are a growing problem in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), food allergies in children under 18 years of age have increased; from 3.4 percent between 1997 and 1999 to 5.1 percent between 2009 and 2011.
 Some people believe that spike is linked to GM foods. But there’s no evidence that GM foods in general are more likely to trigger allergic reactions than non-GM foods, reports Charles Xu from Harvard University. Others raise concerns about the transfer of specific proteins from one plant to another in genetic engineering. Proteins found in a relatively small number of foods cause most allergic reactions. Tree nuts are one of the most common triggers. In the mid-1990s, researchers examined a strain of GM soybean that was engineered to contain protein from Brazil nuts. According to their report in the New England Journal of Medicine, the soybeans triggered allergic reactions in people with Brazil nut allergy. Those soybeans never entered the market and aren’t sold to consumers.
                Genetically modifying organisms must be stop for there is more bad effect than its good effect. People especially scientist must know the limits of their own intelligence. If smart a person tend be blind has nothing but a trash of the brain and by itself they can't visual it's common sense of every consequence.

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